Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate in men. Without proper treatment, it becomes a chronic process that can periodically cause a lot of discomfort. The first question that worries patients is what pills to take for prostatitis.

Classification of drugs for treatment
As therapy for prostatitis, both drug (tablets, injections) and non-drug (massage, physiotherapy) methods of exposure are used. In outpatient practice, it is preferable to use pills to treat prostatitis - this is both convenient and safe.
Tablets for the treatment of prostatitis can be conditionally divided into:
- etiotrope (destroys the infection);
- Pathogenetic (eliminate stagnation in the prostate);
- Symptomatic (relieves unpleasant symptoms).
Tablets are prescribed in a course - only in this case an effective cure is possible. In each case, the treatment regimen is drawn up individually, including sensitivity to antibiotics.
Antibacterial Therapy
Antibiotics are able to destroy pathogenic bacteria that caused inflammation in the prostate tissue and, in fact, are the basis of treatment. With acute prostatitis, treatment should begin with parenteral administration - so that the drug gets to the site of inflammation faster. After removing the acute process, doctors recommend 3-4 days after the start of antibiotic therapy to switch to drugs of the same group in the form of tablets.
Fluoroquinolone-based tablets are most effective in prostatitis - they have a wide spectrum of action and affinity with prostate tissue. The effectiveness of fluoroquinolones in exacerbating chronic prostatitis has been demonstrated in a number of scientific studies. Their advantage over other antibacterial tablets is that fluoroquinolones are practically non-addictive.
The list of antibiotics commonly prescribed for prostatitis can be supplemented with penicillins and tetracyclines. Taking antibacterial tablets lasts at least 7-10 days, with exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, longer treatment may be required.
Pathogenetic and symptomatic agents
One of the most unpleasant symptoms of prostatitis is difficulty urinating due to spasms of the smooth muscle fibers of the prostate and bladder. Alpha blocker tablets can relax muscles and relieve spasms, which makes urination easier.
Alpha-blockers relieve spasms of smooth muscles and relieve the patient's condition.
It is necessary to drink these pills for at least 6 months. Even if the relief came much sooner, the course must be completed.
As painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs are prescribed - they eliminate pain and relieve inflammatory edema in prostatitis.
Since the course of the disease can be accompanied by depression and bad mood due to disturbances in sex life and pain, sedatives are sometimes included in the complex therapy of prostatitis. They can vary in strength, as some men need light herbal remedies (valerian or motherwort tincture) while others need to drink stronger pills.
But there is another new way out in the treatment of the prostate - a patch for prostatitis. It has established itself as an excellent remedy for prostatitis, currently almost every doctor recommends it to his patients.
Treatment with sulfonamides

Treatment with sulfa drugs is effective with the simultaneous use of cranberry juice.
The drugs destroy such pathogens of chronic prostatitis as Proteus, Escherichia coli, staphylococci and streptococci. Although the price of tablets is low and they have been used for a long time, bacterial resistance to them has not formed.
It is necessary to drink drugs for prostatitis for a long time - at least 3 weeks, and the daily dose should be equal to the maximum. Improvement is already noticeable on the third day of treatment. After the first course, it is important to pause for a month and then repeat it. According to reviews, with the simultaneous use of cranberry juice, the treatment becomes more effective.
Sulfonamides are not suitable for all patients, there are a number of limitations to their treatment:
- diseases of the hematopoietic system;
- Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides;
- Disorders in the liver and kidneys.
Of the side effects, vomiting, nausea and allergic reactions can be noted more often than others. Agranulocytosis is rarely noticed.
Prostatitis prophylaxis is based on a healthy lifestyle. To prevent this, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles:
- have regular sex life with a steady partner;
- timely treat urogenital infections;
- play sports, lead an active lifestyle;
- avoid hypothermia, especially in the pelvic area;
- Eat properly.
Prevention of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis using traditional medicine consists in the regular inclusion in the diet of honey, nuts, dried fruits and pumpkin seeds, which contain many substances useful for the prostate. Of course, it is important to know about pills that help with prostatitis, but it is best to treat them under the supervision of a urologist.